''' taptest.bas '' 08/07/2002 '' prints out "tap" coordinates '' as well as the color of that pixel pen on circle 30,30,30 color 4 filled at 30,30:? "4"; circle xmax/2,0,40 color 7 filled at xmax/2,0:? "7"; circle xmax/2,ymax,40 color 9 filled at xmax/2,ymax-20:? "9" ; circle 30,ymax-30,30 color 14 filled at 30,ymax-30:? "14" ; circle xmax,ymax/2,40 color 10 filled at xmax-20,ymax/2:? "10"; circle xmax-30,ymax-30,30 color 11 filled at xmax-30,ymax-30:? "11"; circle xmax-30,30,30 color 6 filled at xmax-30,30:? "6"; circle 0,ymax/2,40 color 0 filled at 0,ymax/2:? "0"; ? CHR$(27)+"[8"+chr$(55)+"m"; while(1) while pen(0)=0 wend while pen(3)=1 wend rect xmax/2-20,ymax*3/8,xmax*5/8,ymax*6/8,15 filled ? CHR$(27)+"[8"+chr$(55)+"m"; at xmax/2-20,ymax*3/8: print "X: "; pen(1) at xmax/2-20,ymax/2: print "Y: "; pen(2) at xmax/2-20,ymax*5/8: print "C: "; point(pen(1),pen(2)) wend '